Our Vision and Values

Our Vision

To be an innovative and forward-thinking council, that leads the people and businesses of the borough towards a vibrant, prosperous and sustainable future.


Our Values


Embracing new ideas and technology, and proactively finding solutions that improve our services to residents.


Adapting so we can meet the standards residents, businesses and all those involved with the borough council rightly expect.


Ensuring we set ambitious targets that we strive to meet, in order to provide high quality public services for our residents.

Our Priorities

  • Efficient services for all our residents, maintaining an effective council
  • Sustaining a borough which cares for the environment
  • Improving housing options for local people whilst protecting our outdoor areas of importance
  • Investing in our local economy to help support residents and businesses and foster sustainable growth.

This Corporate Strategy marks a change in the approach of Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council. It is a clear indication of where we wish to take this council, to clearly communicate and lead in the delivery of public services and investment in the community.

As a bold, forward looking Corporate Strategy this sets the benchmark for delivery over the next few years. We are ambitious for Tonbridge and Malling to meet its potential, and look forward to
sharing this journey.
